Effortless Fleet Management
Gain a simplified overview of your vehicles, contracts, repairs, expenses, and drivers for easy navigation and control.

Simplified Fleet Management

Eliminate the need for specialized tracking
Systems for company vehicles - Odoo's intelligent app allows you to monitor your fleet with just a few clicks. Manage everything effortlessly through our user-friendly administrative system, including fuel log entries, costs, and other essential features for vehicle management.
Enhance Performance Evaluation

Supervise all contracts
For your vehicles and receive email alerts as contracts near expiration. Utilize various visual tools to ensure timely contract renewals or terminations. Organize vehicle-related services and communicate with qualified service providers, manage invoices, and keep track of notes. Establish a vehicle policy within your company and an insurance policy to optimize fleet management.
Track All Costs Simultaneously

Keep tabs on every expenditure
Made by your company for each fleet vehicle. Recurring costs from contracts such as leasing and service agreements are automatically integrated into your accounting at the specified frequency, while other expenses like fuel and repairs are seamlessly included in your reports.
Analysis and Reporting
Display all costs linked to
a specific vehicle or service type. Utilize the reporting tool to compare various costs, such as identifying which vehicles incur the highest expenses or which services have been performed on specific vehicles. Gain valuable insights into the effective returns of each vehicle to enhance fleet investments.

Keep track of your team and their licenses
See what needs approval, like new car requests
When your staff is on the road, they might need to log expenses
Find out what your employees think about your fleet and more
Have confidence with digital signature management
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